Broadcastify Live Feed Information

Northeast Wisconsin Communications Network

Broadcastify Live Feed Information

NEWCOM Net provides a live feed to of Police, Fire, EMS, DNR, and Federal agencies radio traffic in and around the DickReceiver Siteinson County, Menominee, County, MI areas by monitoring the MPSCS (Michigan Public Safety Communications System) and Marinette County, and Florence County, WI areas by monitoring WISCOM (Wisconsin Interoperable System for Communications). You may hear traffic from other areas within either state as well due to the nature of their Digital Statewide systems.

This radio traffic is captured at a Classified and Highly Secured NEWCOM facility at an undisclosed Antenna Patch Pannel location along the state boarder of Northern Wisconsin and Upper Michigan. There the receiver regenerates the human voice from the data captured from the digital radio traffic and then sends this information as audio to be archived locally before once again being processed back into packets of digital data by a computer and transmitted by satellite back to a data-center before being sent to to also archive as a backup in MP3 format and then streamed live online.

The majority of NEWCOM’s receive only operations make use of scanners manufactured by Uniden Corporation of America however we doEquipment Rack use some receivers from other manufactures like AOR, and ICOM as well as some SDR (Software Defined Radio) systems.